Minneapolis: 612-746-0360 Abuja: 081-1-852-8482

While Chad has held several presidential elections since the 1990’s, power currently is held by President Déby, and is considered to be under authoritarian rule. As a landlocked country, Chad sees high import costs for goods brought from outside of the continent. As a poverty-stricken country, Chad is ranked as the 7th poorest nation in the world.

  • Country Profile
    • Land Mass/Major Cities – Chad is a landlocked country in northern central Africa. The capital city of Chad is N’Djamena.
    • Languages – Arabic (official language), French (official language), Sara, and over 120 different dialects and languages are used throughout the country.
  • Business Activity
    • Agriculture – Camels, cassava, cattle, corn, cotton, goats, millet, onions, peanuts, potatoes, rice, sesame, sheep, and sorghum.
    • Industries – Brewing, natron, construction materials, cotton textiles, cigarettes, oil, and soap
    • Natural Resources – Fish from Lake Chad, gold, kaolin, limestone, natron, petroleum, salt, sand and gravel, and uranium
    • Exports – Cotton, gum arabic, livestock, oil, sesame, and shea butter
    • Imports – Foodstuffs, industrial goods, machinery and transportation equipment, and textiles
    • Major Trading Partners – Belgium, Cameroon, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, and the United States

Source: CIA. (2017). The World Factbook: Chad. CIA. Retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cd.html